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Friday 17 March 2017

8 rules not to follow to lose weight

admin     14:44  No comments
One stuffs us the head of strict rule on what to eat during a mode, which food to avoid and which are the conduits to be adopted. But how to distinguish the truth of the forgery?
Here 8 rules to forget if you do want to lose weight?

Rule n°1: “What counts is the calories”

lose weightForgery. 100 calories of a package of chips are not same the 100 calories that you bring vegetables. Certain food brings the nutrients to us which we need whereas others are empty and bad for health.

Rule n°2: “One can jump the breakfast for less eating”

Forgery. The breakfast is essential. If you zap this meal, you will not have any energy nor motivation all the day and you will eat much more the evening or at midday to catch up with you. And it is there that you will store your calories.

Rule n°3: “It is necessary to remove sugar and the fat definitively”

Forgery. Avoid living according to the rule of the “whole or nothing”. One wants sometimes a small softness or of a good quite heating dish and it is normal, they make party of the pleasures of the life. You authorize variations from time to time if not you will never hold your mode in time.

Rule n°4: “Give up glucids”

Forgery. They should be simply better chosen. Prefer for example whole wheat and the brown rice with the classical rod.

Rule n°5: “Drink fruit juices to fill the tank with vitamins”


Forgery. It is much healthier and effective to directly rather eat fruits than drinking their juice. Still more if you buy these juices already any loans.

Rule n°6: “After excesses, connect the cures of détox”


Forgery. It is a great phenomenon of mode. They are effective but to carry out 1 time a year after the festivals for example. Stop alcohol and slow down on junk food and seen will not have any to in no case need.

Rule n°7: “Choose a diverted food of sugar”

Forgery. One often intends to say that this drink is “without sugar”, out them are sweetened by other food more harmful than sugar in itself. To avoid.

Rule n°8: “The fat makes grow bigger”

Forgery. That depends which. There exist good fats as in lawyer and salmon and of the bad fat as in fried food. Choose well.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Dieting in winter without tiring

admin     09:27  No comments

Dieting in winter without tiring

To lose weight serenely in winter, you must of course reduce calorie intake, but without sacrificing its essential vitamin and minerals. These nutrients have indeed a significant impact on the tone, immunity and sleep.

Reducing calories without impoverishing his plate micronutrient, it is a matter of choice, quantity and balance on the day. Here are some habits to lose the superfluous, but keep most during the winter: the shape!

Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables at every meal

They contain fewer calories (on average 10 to 50 100 g of vegetables, from 30 to 70 100 g fruit), and packed with vitamins - especially the C -, minerals and trace elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron. ..) and substances with antioxidant properties. And thanks to their fiber , they quickly feel full.
Practice: 1 fruit for breakfast and 200 to 300 g of vegetables and 1 fruit for lunch and dinner, in all their forms, limiting the banana once a week. The vitamin C is vulnerable to heat, is raw and cooked plume or, if fragile intestine is cooked al dente. For a wide range micronutrient, it varies at most families, colors ...

Select starches and rationing

Pasta, bread, rice ... complete show nearly 75% of Micronutritional intake (vitamin E, vitamin B, magnesium, iron, zinc ...) more compared to their refined versions! Although too: bulgur, quinoa and potatoes, rich in vitamins and minerals. All are energy foods to moderate when you want to lose weight, but it is not zap because their carbohydrates help prevent tiredness and snacking.
In Practice: 50 g of spelled bread, rye bread ... or 5 crunchy buckwheat, rye or 3 Wasas ... at breakfast, and 4 c. to s. rice, split peas ... cooked lunch every other day. In case of irritable bowel avoids the "all full" and pulses or pureed soup is prepared

Cleaning up the fat, good!

Some fatty acids, omega -3 , promote fat burning and have an antioxidant to fight against the harmful free radicals to health. They are also essential for the psychological and hormonal balance.
In Practice: to season, 2 tbsp. to s. of oil per day, alternating single and rapeseed mixtures rapeseed / canola and olive / walnut. To complete, oilseeds (10-12 at breakfast and / or snack) and fatty fish (3 times / week).

Do not exclude meat

It is the best source of food iron . Not only meats contain good amounts, but in addition it says heme, is better absorbed than that from the vegetable kingdom. They are also rich in quality protein, very filling in power, and maintain muscle mass. They are sources of essential amino acids for the production of neurotransmitters, "cheerful carriers", zinc and B vitamins, essential for cell renewal.
Practice: every day at lunch and dinner, alternating with fish, favoring the less fatty cuts (chicken cutlets, 5% chopped steak, rump steak, filet mignon, liver ...) and limiting red meat to 2 times per week, at lunch only.

Panacher fatty and lean fish and seafood

Moderately calorie fat even when they are high in protein, contain omega-3 fatty acids and many micronutrients including zinc and iodine. Some shellfish, such as mussels, appear increasingly among the foods richest in iron assimilated well.
practice: a good portion (150 to 200 g) for lunch and dinner, alternating with meat. Including three fatty fish (trout, salmon, sardines, mackerel ...) a week.

Consuming foods at the right time

The snacking and sugar cravings are often related to a deficit in serotonin , a neurotransmitter regulator of mood and appetite, among other manufactured from eating tryptophan. To regulate its production and anticipate compulsions , we must consume the right foods at the right time.
In practice: a savory breakfast rich in protein (ham, egg, nuts, cheese ...) to avoid the blows of fatigue and snacks late morning, and a sweet taste rich in tryptophan (dairy, chocolate, nuts , dried fruit) to avoid sugary temptations evening.

Select dairy products

They are source of calcium that promotes fat release , in combination with vitamin D. Rich in probiotics , some are, moreover, essential to the functioning of the intestinal flora, key factor of immunity (fermented milks, yoghurts. ..).
Practice: 30 g of cheese at breakfast (avoiding those with more than 300 calories / 100 g) and 100 g of white cheese 20% (except in cases of irritable bowel) or 1 yogurt of sheep or goat ( more digestible) to taste.

Establish drink breaks

In winter often drink less. Or, dehydration of the body of the order of 2% is sufficient to lower its performance by 20%! In addition, many drinks as broths or certain mineral waters help to increase micronutrient intake without calories.
In practice: throughout the day, sipping a hot drink: tea, herbal teas, soups ... and we keep on hand a bottle of mineral water, preferably magnesium-rich (Contrex, Hépar ... ), with which one can also prepare tea!

Building on three vitamin tips

  • Put the lemon juice on food, salads (instead of vinegar, for example) can increase the intake of vitamin C to fight against acidification, which weakens the body.
  • Sprinkle brewer's yeast flakes or wheat germ (1 c. C.) Yoghurt, salads, dishes ... This enhances vitamin intake (especially B group) and various minerals.
  • Both rich in iron and vitamin C, the parsley was all good. Sheared the fresh on vegetables, raw vegetables, meat and fish ...

Saturday 26 March 2016

This Is the Best Way to Handle Your Anger

admin     12:40  No comments

If you're mad as hell and not doing much about it, you're not alone. But stifling your anger (as so many of us do) only makes you more stressed. Learn how to harness that emotion and achieve a happier, calmer state of mind. 

When you hear the words "anger problem," you don’t think of someone like Bethany. Actually, the 40-year-old sales analyst and mom of one in Brooklyn, N.Y., says she rarely gets full-throttle angry. Instead, she’ll spend weeks stewing over a self-entitled co-worker or her own hatred of the gym. Nobody would know, though; she keeps it all to herself. 
Which is exactly the problem: not feeling anger—which is hardwired into the human brain—but burying that useful emotional response until it turns into a quiet simmering. While some women vent and move on, many of us were taught to not make a scene. We’re overworked, sleep-deprived, always on call and generally cranky about it. And as anyone with a social media account knows, we feel outraged daily—about GMOs, Common Core, the Kardashians, you name it. In fact, “the modern, connected lifestyle has put us in an almost constant state of tension,” says Ryan Martin, PhD, chair of the psychology department at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and founder of the blog All the Rage.
While you don’t want to explode, holding in the emotion could be just as bad for you. “Rumination is like a ticking time bomb,” says Matthew J. Zawadzki, PhD, assistant professor of psychological sciences at the University of California, Merced. A paper he co-authored a few years ago suggested that simply thinking about whatever pissed you off days, weeks, or even months earlier jacks up your blood pressure and heart rate as much as the original event did.
Whether you stew or rage, your anger is trying to tell you something—about your life, mind, and body. Here’s how to use it as a catalyst for change.

Fear factor

As bad as being peeved feels, it’s actually a protective response to what usually starts out as fear or pain, explains Veronica Rojas, MD, a psychiatrist and co-founder of the Mindfulness Forum of Ridgewood in Ridgewood, N.J. Before you can even make sense of a threat, your amygdala, the almond-shaped emotion center of the brain, triggers a release of adrenaline and other stress hormones. Your energy surges as your breathing quickens and your heart rate and blood pressure rise. “Your face might flush, your thoughts narrow, and it’s very difficult to think about anything else for a few minutes,” says Dr. Rojas.
It takes several seconds for that initial burst of fear or pain to become anger. As you start thinking things through, your analytical prefrontal cortex—the brain’s chief decision maker—contextualizes the threat: Why does she speak to me that way? How am I still working at this crappy job? “That’s why we call anger a secondary emotion,” explains Dr. Rojas. “It never occurs alone.” It’s your brain’s way of jolting you out of a vulnerable place and into self-protection mode.
Most of us stop short of putting on the boxing gloves. The prefrontal cortex nips angry impulses in the bud. But if you constantly tamp down your annoyance, those blood-pumping stress hormones can remain elevated, says Dr. Rojas. This kind of prolonged stress leaves you more prone to a host of illnesses and diseases, found 2012 research from Carnegie Mellon University—partly by interfering with your immune system’s ability to regulate inflammation throughout the body.
Short-term simmering all too often becomes chronic: The higher your stress level, the more an otherwise minor issue (like someone swiping your skinny latte) makes you ready to burst into flames. Snapping—whether it’s at that coffee thief or your vaccine-skipping friends— can worsen matters. “Anger is the most viral emotion,” says Martin. It’s more contagious than joy and sadness, according to a 2013 study that looked at social networks.
Brooding over your feelings may be no better: A study in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology showed that rumination contributes to depression and anxiety. When Dr. Rojas sees patients suffering from either of the above, it often turns out to be rooted in years of anger.
The same can be true for high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, and a host of other chronic ailments, all of which can be exacerbated by persistently high levels of stress hormones, says Mary Coussons-Read, PhD, professor of psychology at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. And, tellingly, married couples who regularly suppress anger have a higher risk of premature death than those who express it, according to University of Michigan research.
Of course, the news isn’t great for folks who repeatedly lash out, either. Recent research in the European Heart Journal showed that the risk of heart attack is nearly five times higher in the two hours after an angry outburst.

How to get mad

So what’s a ticked-off girl to do? Remember that anger is a flashing sign telling you to address something. “Conflict is healthy only if you try to figure out what’s wrong and do something about it,” says Ernest Harburg, PhD, research scientist emeritus in epidemiology and psychology at the University of Michigan. First, though, take a moment to note the reaction: “If anger arises, observe your bodily sensations without trying to push them away,” advises Susan Smalley, PhD, professor emeritus of psychiatry and founder of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA. Relax your shoulders and breathe deeply so your stomach slowly rises and falls—all cues to the mind that your body is calming down.
Leave the scene if you can, adds Gail Saltz, MD, a Health contributing editor and clinical associate professor of psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City: “It’s OK to say, ‘I notice myself feeling pretty topped out. I want to be able to discuss this logically, so I’m going to take a walk.’” Even ducking into the ladies’ room gives you a few minutes to reset. For Dr. Rojas, running a stream of water over one wrist does the trick. For Coussons-Read, it’s singing “Viva Las Vegas” in her head.
With calm should come the clarity needed to problem-solve, says Gretchen Rubin, best-selling author of The Happiness Project and Better Than Before. “If you feel angry going to work every day,” she asks, “is it because work seems meaningless? Because you can never get all your tasks done? Or because you have a conflict with a co-worker?” They’re all legit reasons—each with its own path to resolution.
Asking yourself questions like this may loosen anger’s grip, letting you see events in context. “A common setup for anger is not thinking about what the other person is going through,” says Alice Domar, PhD, executive director of the Domar Center for Mind/Body Health in Boston. Then you can get to constructive dialogue, which allows you to avoid the feeling of powerlessness that can cause anxiety and depression. It’s all about taking action—only not in anger this time. 

Pre-anger is a thing. Here's how to diffuse it

The prickly, stressed-out state we’re often in before an angry stimulus hits—what psychologists call “pre-anger”—is important to manage to avoid full-on rage. These little steps will help keep insignificant triggers from getting you worked up.
1. Hide the right 10 Facebook friends
You know—the ones forever posting crappy news you have no power to change. Get them off your feed for a month and see if you miss waking up to the angst. 
2. Don't get hangry
healthy carb with fiber combined with a little protein—like an apple and a cup of yogurt, or whole-wheat crackers with peanut butter—will help keep blood sugar and mood on an even keel.
3. Declutter your desk
No one is saying you have to go all Marie Kondo, “but many people feel calmer and more in control when their work and living spaces are tidy,” says happiness expert Gretchen Rubin.
4. Do one thing at a time
Studies show that multitasking makes us sloppy and less efficient. And as Ryan Martin, PhD, points out, it pretty much ensures you’ll feel constantly interrupted and snippy about it.


Easter: chocolate and diet do they mix?

admin     12:34  No comments

This year, many of you will receive chocolates for Easter, while working hard to lose the weight gained during winter. Dilemma: should assign or resist? The advice of our contributor and registered dietician, Lise Lafaurie.

Longer possible to step into a supermarket without being attacked by an army of ducks, a squadron of rabbits or a flock of egg ribbons, short, Easter approach . And as chance does not always do things well, he advanced along the spring, causing an internal dilemma: give in to chocolate orgy or dislodge the few extra-tartiflettes this winter in snubbing the bells? 
IN PICTURES >> Easter Chocolates 2016: our selection of eggs, chickens and rabbits

Neither of course: there are no forbidden foods, they can also be calorie long as they are eaten with pleasure and properly integrated into your diet . 

True stimulant, antidepressant false

Victim of many "is said" in dietetics, as positive and negative, start with a true / false. 
Chocolate is calorie and fat and sweet and when we want to lose weight, it is best avoided: true but false. Of course, chocolate is calorie, since it provides on average 550 calories (mostly from fat and sugar) to 100 grams (fine tablet), or about a quarter of the calorie requirement of a woman of 30 moderately active. But nevertheless no reason to demonize and even less in the weight loss (or not take). 
Chocolate gives buttons : false. Several studies have been conducted in this direction, and there would be no direct link between eating chocolate and pimples. 
Chocolate is a brain stimulant : true! Recent studies show that cocoa consumption among students, activate certain nerve centers involved in attention. 

The chocolate has antidepressant effects : false. It seems that this belief is utopian. If we can lend comforting virtues of chocolate, because of its sweet taste (remember the breast milk or formula, and comforting taste first memory), it actually contains magnesium (relaxing), phenylethylamine (antidepressant) and xanthine compounds (supposed to give a boost) ... they are all in quantities too small to have a real chemical action. 
Chocolate is good for the heart : true! But only for black and rich cocoa only. Excellent source of flavanols, antioxidants recognized: the daily consumption of dark chocolate have real cardio-protective effects. 
Chocolate is good to slow the cognitive decline and aging of cells: true! Again, thanks to sympathetic flavanols present in cocoa. 
To summarize: the chocolate is one of the foods with high caloric density (so many calories in a small volume), but it's good for the taste buds and health. 

"Needless to choose chocolate with 80% cocoa"

The solution? Is moderated! We eat chocolate in "mindfulness" is expected to have and really want to be hungry, and we savor all the senses, making it last. 
The black is not less caloric than the other, so for fans of white or cored, needless to choose the 80% cocoa and eat without pleasure.The advantage of the dark, except that it is rich in cocoa with all health benefits mentioned above, is that it is stronger in taste and satiety. So, we are satisfied faster than milk or white or cored -it is actually difficult to make a dark chocolate orgy 85% cocoa ... 
What is a reasonable amount? For those who have trouble listening to their needs and to stop before the end of the shelf (or egg King Size) are just a few pins. In theory, sugary products should ideally provide 10% of total calories for the day. If we take the example of the woman of 30 moderately active, whose needs are around 2000 calories, it gives chocolate 200 calories ie the equivalent of 40 grams, or four squares a day. 
Knowing, once again, that the balance is not done on the day, but probably the week or the month, so you can also afford a tablet of a sudden if you made ​​belt sugar for 4 days. Warning: this calculation implies that chocolate is the only source of sugar of the day, so no jams in the morning, sugar in coffee, cream dessert to end the meal ... 
However, if the fact of having advised quantitative concepts can be a good benchmark, careful not you focus on quantities to meet even eat PLC "because you are entitled to" but without pleasure. 
Lise Lafaurie is dietician at Weight Clinic in Paris.

Chrononutrition: On a typical day menu

admin     12:25  No comments

More than just a diet, chrononutrition is actually a method of eating well based on her biological clock. The principle ? Eat the right food, in the right quantity at the right time. For example, here's how to organize a typical day of chrononutrition regime.
Developed by Dr. Delabos 1 in 1986, this method relies on a basic principle: depending on when it is eaten, the same food can either be well absorbed by the body, either directly follow the "storage tracks" and lodged where one does not want, hips, buttocks, stomach, etc. With nutrition-timer, this is to put the record straight and to respect our biological clock! In practice, what does it eat when? Basically, follow the metabolic changes in our bodies. 

With chrononutrition, 4 meals a day

Chrononutrition typical dayClaude Chauchard2, specialist geno-chrono-nutrition, said that the body secretes hormones (insulin and cortisol) about every 4 hours. That's why every time our body needs food to function properly, it is important to give him the right foods at the right time.Which means: fat at breakfast , a heavy meal at lunch , sweet in taste and light at dinner(those who are not hungry can even skip the evening dinner since the body consumes a lot less energy).
Finally, according to the principles of nutrition, chrono, 3 meals (plus snack ) must be taken at fixed hours, about 4 hours apart. This is the average time it takes for our bodies to digest. This deadline avoids the risks of storage.

Chrononutrition: On a typical day menu

Chrono-nutrition takes the old adage: "king of breakfast, lunch and poor prince dinner".


Breakfast must be hearty and includes cheese, butter, carbohydrates ( bread ,rice ), protein ( egg , ham) and fruits . Because during sleep , the body has burned many calories to regenerate and wake up the batteries are flat. The body therefore needs "fuel" to properly tackle the day. And you do not count the calories, the body has all day to spend!


Lunch allows the body to stay in shape the rest of the day. The main course is privileged and it consists mainly of animal protein and starchy foods.
Lipids are less present at breakfast and carbohydrates and vegetable proteins are also consuming smaller quantities.
Finally, it is careful not to overeat, the goal is not to burden the agency still has a way to go before getting the rest.
For example, a grilled chicken breast combined with pasta and some green vegetables makes a good main course. You can opt for a light dessert, such as cottage cheese with berries, for example.


The taste is very important in nutrition-timer. It is he who will provide fuel for the body to hold until the evening without having to throw everything and anything at dinner time, a time when the body tends to store. In taste, it gives way to sweet and is fun snacking on fruit, dried fruit or dark chocolate.


For dinner , we opted for a light diet that will not saturate the work of the body during sleep. For this meal, which is not mandatory to chrono-nutrition are chosen easily digestible foods: fish and lean meats, vegetables. "At night, we avoid everything sugars, fats and carbohydrates" illustrates Claude Chauchard.The goal is to avoid boost insulin secretion.
Sample menus for a typical day
A cheese sandwich with 2 boiled eggs and tea
Pork chop with cheese with pasta shells
 To taste
Strawberry salad with mint OR handful of almonds + a square of dark chocolate
 Having dinner
Lemon chicken and leek fondue
Editor's note: Remember to hydrate yourself throughout the day with water, tea, etc.
In summary, no food is really forbidden, all is well the principle of consuming the right time.
Jessica Xavier
Updated July 22, 2015
1 - Dr. Alain Delabos, author of the Chrono-nutrition method 
2 - Dr. Claude Chauchard slimming expert and founder of Clinical Paris

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