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Friday, 25 March 2016

10 minute abs workout with fitness champion Joey Bull

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Fitness champion Joey Bull brings you a 3-part Body Design video workout series, exclusive to Healthista TV.  It kicks off today with a 10 minute abs workout. Do this each day this week and then come back next Friday for part 2 – legs and bums.
Forget hundreds of sit ups and hours of planking. With just a mat and a few weights Joey Bull shows how you can burn fat and tone abs in just 10 minutes. With challenging moves like the wood chop and mountain climber this easy to follow guide will show you step by step how to get the abs you’ve always dreamed of… there really is no excuse not to try it.

joey bullJoey Bull is a four times fitness champion, fitness writer, internationa trainer, motivational speaker, former adventure athlete and classically trained dancer.



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