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Saturday 26 March 2016

Chrononutrition: On a typical day menu

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More than just a diet, chrononutrition is actually a method of eating well based on her biological clock. The principle ? Eat the right food, in the right quantity at the right time. For example, here's how to organize a typical day of chrononutrition regime.
Developed by Dr. Delabos 1 in 1986, this method relies on a basic principle: depending on when it is eaten, the same food can either be well absorbed by the body, either directly follow the "storage tracks" and lodged where one does not want, hips, buttocks, stomach, etc. With nutrition-timer, this is to put the record straight and to respect our biological clock! In practice, what does it eat when? Basically, follow the metabolic changes in our bodies. 

With chrononutrition, 4 meals a day

Chrononutrition typical dayClaude Chauchard2, specialist geno-chrono-nutrition, said that the body secretes hormones (insulin and cortisol) about every 4 hours. That's why every time our body needs food to function properly, it is important to give him the right foods at the right time.Which means: fat at breakfast , a heavy meal at lunch , sweet in taste and light at dinner(those who are not hungry can even skip the evening dinner since the body consumes a lot less energy).
Finally, according to the principles of nutrition, chrono, 3 meals (plus snack ) must be taken at fixed hours, about 4 hours apart. This is the average time it takes for our bodies to digest. This deadline avoids the risks of storage.

Chrononutrition: On a typical day menu

Chrono-nutrition takes the old adage: "king of breakfast, lunch and poor prince dinner".


Breakfast must be hearty and includes cheese, butter, carbohydrates ( bread ,rice ), protein ( egg , ham) and fruits . Because during sleep , the body has burned many calories to regenerate and wake up the batteries are flat. The body therefore needs "fuel" to properly tackle the day. And you do not count the calories, the body has all day to spend!


Lunch allows the body to stay in shape the rest of the day. The main course is privileged and it consists mainly of animal protein and starchy foods.
Lipids are less present at breakfast and carbohydrates and vegetable proteins are also consuming smaller quantities.
Finally, it is careful not to overeat, the goal is not to burden the agency still has a way to go before getting the rest.
For example, a grilled chicken breast combined with pasta and some green vegetables makes a good main course. You can opt for a light dessert, such as cottage cheese with berries, for example.


The taste is very important in nutrition-timer. It is he who will provide fuel for the body to hold until the evening without having to throw everything and anything at dinner time, a time when the body tends to store. In taste, it gives way to sweet and is fun snacking on fruit, dried fruit or dark chocolate.


For dinner , we opted for a light diet that will not saturate the work of the body during sleep. For this meal, which is not mandatory to chrono-nutrition are chosen easily digestible foods: fish and lean meats, vegetables. "At night, we avoid everything sugars, fats and carbohydrates" illustrates Claude Chauchard.The goal is to avoid boost insulin secretion.
Sample menus for a typical day
A cheese sandwich with 2 boiled eggs and tea
Pork chop with cheese with pasta shells
 To taste
Strawberry salad with mint OR handful of almonds + a square of dark chocolate
 Having dinner
Lemon chicken and leek fondue
Editor's note: Remember to hydrate yourself throughout the day with water, tea, etc.
In summary, no food is really forbidden, all is well the principle of consuming the right time.
Jessica Xavier
Updated July 22, 2015
1 - Dr. Alain Delabos, author of the Chrono-nutrition method 
2 - Dr. Claude Chauchard slimming expert and founder of Clinical Paris


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