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Thursday 16 March 2017

Dieting in winter without tiring

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Dieting in winter without tiring

To lose weight serenely in winter, you must of course reduce calorie intake, but without sacrificing its essential vitamin and minerals. These nutrients have indeed a significant impact on the tone, immunity and sleep.

Reducing calories without impoverishing his plate micronutrient, it is a matter of choice, quantity and balance on the day. Here are some habits to lose the superfluous, but keep most during the winter: the shape!

Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables at every meal

They contain fewer calories (on average 10 to 50 100 g of vegetables, from 30 to 70 100 g fruit), and packed with vitamins - especially the C -, minerals and trace elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron. ..) and substances with antioxidant properties. And thanks to their fiber , they quickly feel full.
Practice: 1 fruit for breakfast and 200 to 300 g of vegetables and 1 fruit for lunch and dinner, in all their forms, limiting the banana once a week. The vitamin C is vulnerable to heat, is raw and cooked plume or, if fragile intestine is cooked al dente. For a wide range micronutrient, it varies at most families, colors ...

Select starches and rationing

Pasta, bread, rice ... complete show nearly 75% of Micronutritional intake (vitamin E, vitamin B, magnesium, iron, zinc ...) more compared to their refined versions! Although too: bulgur, quinoa and potatoes, rich in vitamins and minerals. All are energy foods to moderate when you want to lose weight, but it is not zap because their carbohydrates help prevent tiredness and snacking.
In Practice: 50 g of spelled bread, rye bread ... or 5 crunchy buckwheat, rye or 3 Wasas ... at breakfast, and 4 c. to s. rice, split peas ... cooked lunch every other day. In case of irritable bowel avoids the "all full" and pulses or pureed soup is prepared

Cleaning up the fat, good!

Some fatty acids, omega -3 , promote fat burning and have an antioxidant to fight against the harmful free radicals to health. They are also essential for the psychological and hormonal balance.
In Practice: to season, 2 tbsp. to s. of oil per day, alternating single and rapeseed mixtures rapeseed / canola and olive / walnut. To complete, oilseeds (10-12 at breakfast and / or snack) and fatty fish (3 times / week).

Do not exclude meat

It is the best source of food iron . Not only meats contain good amounts, but in addition it says heme, is better absorbed than that from the vegetable kingdom. They are also rich in quality protein, very filling in power, and maintain muscle mass. They are sources of essential amino acids for the production of neurotransmitters, "cheerful carriers", zinc and B vitamins, essential for cell renewal.
Practice: every day at lunch and dinner, alternating with fish, favoring the less fatty cuts (chicken cutlets, 5% chopped steak, rump steak, filet mignon, liver ...) and limiting red meat to 2 times per week, at lunch only.

Panacher fatty and lean fish and seafood

Moderately calorie fat even when they are high in protein, contain omega-3 fatty acids and many micronutrients including zinc and iodine. Some shellfish, such as mussels, appear increasingly among the foods richest in iron assimilated well.
practice: a good portion (150 to 200 g) for lunch and dinner, alternating with meat. Including three fatty fish (trout, salmon, sardines, mackerel ...) a week.

Consuming foods at the right time

The snacking and sugar cravings are often related to a deficit in serotonin , a neurotransmitter regulator of mood and appetite, among other manufactured from eating tryptophan. To regulate its production and anticipate compulsions , we must consume the right foods at the right time.
In practice: a savory breakfast rich in protein (ham, egg, nuts, cheese ...) to avoid the blows of fatigue and snacks late morning, and a sweet taste rich in tryptophan (dairy, chocolate, nuts , dried fruit) to avoid sugary temptations evening.

Select dairy products

They are source of calcium that promotes fat release , in combination with vitamin D. Rich in probiotics , some are, moreover, essential to the functioning of the intestinal flora, key factor of immunity (fermented milks, yoghurts. ..).
Practice: 30 g of cheese at breakfast (avoiding those with more than 300 calories / 100 g) and 100 g of white cheese 20% (except in cases of irritable bowel) or 1 yogurt of sheep or goat ( more digestible) to taste.

Establish drink breaks

In winter often drink less. Or, dehydration of the body of the order of 2% is sufficient to lower its performance by 20%! In addition, many drinks as broths or certain mineral waters help to increase micronutrient intake without calories.
In practice: throughout the day, sipping a hot drink: tea, herbal teas, soups ... and we keep on hand a bottle of mineral water, preferably magnesium-rich (Contrex, Hépar ... ), with which one can also prepare tea!

Building on three vitamin tips

  • Put the lemon juice on food, salads (instead of vinegar, for example) can increase the intake of vitamin C to fight against acidification, which weakens the body.
  • Sprinkle brewer's yeast flakes or wheat germ (1 c. C.) Yoghurt, salads, dishes ... This enhances vitamin intake (especially B group) and various minerals.
  • Both rich in iron and vitamin C, the parsley was all good. Sheared the fresh on vegetables, raw vegetables, meat and fish ...



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