This year, many of you will receive chocolates for Easter, while working hard to lose the weight gained during winter. Dilemma: should assign or resist? The advice of our contributor and registered dietician, Lise Lafaurie.
Longer possible to step into a supermarket without being attacked by an army of ducks, a squadron of rabbits or a flock of egg ribbons, short, Easter approach . And as chance does not always do things well, he advanced along the spring, causing an internal dilemma: give in to chocolate orgy or dislodge the few extra-tartiflettes this winter in snubbing the bells?
IN PICTURES >> Easter Chocolates 2016: our selection of eggs, chickens and rabbits
Neither of course: there are no forbidden foods, they can also be calorie long as they are eaten with pleasure and properly integrated into your diet .
True stimulant, antidepressant false
Victim of many "is said" in dietetics, as positive and negative, start with a true / false.
Chocolate is calorie and fat and sweet and when we want to lose weight, it is best avoided: true but false. Of course, chocolate is calorie, since it provides on average 550 calories (mostly from fat and sugar) to 100 grams (fine tablet), or about a quarter of the calorie requirement of a woman of 30 moderately active. But nevertheless no reason to demonize and even less in the weight loss (or not take).
Chocolate gives buttons : false. Several studies have been conducted in this direction, and there would be no direct link between eating chocolate and pimples.
Chocolate is a brain stimulant : true! Recent studies show that cocoa consumption among students, activate certain nerve centers involved in attention.
The chocolate has antidepressant effects : false. It seems that this belief is utopian. If we can lend comforting virtues of chocolate, because of its sweet taste (remember the breast milk or formula, and comforting taste first memory), it actually contains magnesium (relaxing), phenylethylamine (antidepressant) and xanthine compounds (supposed to give a boost) ... they are all in quantities too small to have a real chemical action.
Chocolate is good for the heart : true! But only for black and rich cocoa only. Excellent source of flavanols, antioxidants recognized: the daily consumption of dark chocolate have real cardio-protective effects.
Chocolate is good to slow the cognitive decline and aging of cells: true! Again, thanks to sympathetic flavanols present in cocoa.
To summarize: the chocolate is one of the foods with high caloric density (so many calories in a small volume), but it's good for the taste buds and health.
"Needless to choose chocolate with 80% cocoa"
The solution? Is moderated! We eat chocolate in "mindfulness" is expected to have and really want to be hungry, and we savor all the senses, making it last.
The black is not less caloric than the other, so for fans of white or cored, needless to choose the 80% cocoa and eat without pleasure.The advantage of the dark, except that it is rich in cocoa with all health benefits mentioned above, is that it is stronger in taste and satiety. So, we are satisfied faster than milk or white or cored -it is actually difficult to make a dark chocolate orgy 85% cocoa ...
What is a reasonable amount? For those who have trouble listening to their needs and to stop before the end of the shelf (or egg King Size) are just a few pins. In theory, sugary products should ideally provide 10% of total calories for the day. If we take the example of the woman of 30 moderately active, whose needs are around 2000 calories, it gives chocolate 200 calories ie the equivalent of 40 grams, or four squares a day.
Knowing, once again, that the balance is not done on the day, but probably the week or the month, so you can also afford a tablet of a sudden if you made belt sugar for 4 days. Warning: this calculation implies that chocolate is the only source of sugar of the day, so no jams in the morning, sugar in coffee, cream dessert to end the meal ...
However, if the fact of having advised quantitative concepts can be a good benchmark, careful not you focus on quantities to meet even eat PLC "because you are entitled to" but without pleasure.
Lise Lafaurie is dietician at Weight Clinic in Paris.